Title I Program

The Title I program provides extra help to students to assist them in meeting state and local education standards. At Mount Eagle Elementary, Title I provides extra resources for our school including:

Reading Support

At Mount Eagle we have a literacy specialist and a resource teacher who support increasing student achievement in a variety of ways. First, they work closely with teachers to build their content knowledge by leading professional learning, coaching, modeling lessons and facilitating weekly team meetings where teachers unpack standards, plan, review assessments and make adjustments to instruction. They also work closely with students by providing interventions in decoding and comprehension.

Mathematics Support

The purpose of the Mathematics support is to increase the mathematics achievement of students in Title I schools. Title I math resource teachers focus on helping students develop mathematics concepts, problem solving strategies, and computational skills. They work with classroom teachers to assess students’ strengths and needs and to plan appropriate mathematics instruction. Title I math resource teachers may provide ongoing professional learning for teachers in their schools. They work in classrooms as well as with small groups of students. Instruction is based upon the FCPS Program of Studies (POS), the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL), and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards.

Virginia Dept of Education Quality Profile

Profiles were developed by the state Board of Education to more effectively communicate to parents and the public about the performance of Virginia’s public schools.

Title I in FCPS

Providing fair, equitable, and high-quality education for all.