Staying Healthy

While we want students at school everyday, we recognize that they will be sick from time to time. Students with a rash, watery & inflamed eyes, fever (over 100 degrees), sore throat not due to allergies, vomiting, or diarrhea should stay home. Remember to call the Attendance line at 703-721-2155 to report your child’s illness. This information is especially important as we monitor outbreaks of contagious illnesses such as strep throat and the flu.

Sometimes students leave the home in the morning, and they are feeling fine. But as the day progresses, they become sick. Or an accident occurs resulting in your child being injured. In these cases, your child will need to be picked up from school immediately. Please make sure your contact information is updated as well as those that are authorized to pick up your child.

At this time, mask wearing is optional for all students, staff and visitors.  At Mount Eagle, we do take cleanliness seriously and have set up hand sanitizer stations throughout the building to be used before & after specials, recess & lunch. Teachers set aside time to allow for handwashing in the classrooms. As we receive health recommendations from national, state & local organizations, we will update our procedures as appropriate. 


If medication is to be given in school, it must be in accordance with Regulation 2102(link is external). All medications must be delivered in person by the parent or guardian. Never send medication with your child. Here is the form your medical provider will need to complete if your child will need medication administered at school: is external)  

If your child has a health issue or if you have any questions about non-prescription/over-the-counter medications, please contact our School Health Aide, Ms. Marlow Townes at 703-721-2110. She will put you in contact with our Public Health Nurse that supports our school. 


Each year, students in kindergarten and Grade 3 as well as new students to FCPS will have a vision and hearing screening in our Health Room.


If your child has lice, parents are expected to treat and prevent the lice from coming back. You will need to work with our School Health Aide to verify that your child is currently being treated. You can find helpful information(link is external) that includes a link to the Fairfax County Health Department brochure in a variety of home languages.