
Unless a student is sick, they are expected to be in school on-time each day. Parents must contact our main office each day their child will be out for an illness to leave a message by calling 703-721-2155 or completing the form at the bottom of the page. Failure to do so will result in the absence being marked as Unexcused.

Any student who has ten (10) unexcused absences may be referred to the School Attendance Officer. 

Excused absence & late arrival: Illness of the student, death in the family, medical or dental appointment, observance of religious holiday

Unexcused absence & late arrival: Family trips and vacations, childcare situation, oversleeping, non-school activity, traffic, missing the bus. 

We track attendance on a regular basis and reach out to families to help resolve any attendance issues. If you need help and/or have questions, do not hesitate to contact our main office to speak with an administrator, our counselor or social worker. We’re here to help.