Leaving School & Dismissal

Dismissal for all students is 3:30pm.

Always have a plan for how your child will go home, and make sure your child knows the plan.

Doors for Dismissal:

  • PreK & Kindergarten at Door #6
  • Grades 1 & 2 at Door #3 by the Garden
  • Grades 3-6 at the Main Entrance.

Bus riders:

Our buses depart just after 3:30pm. If your child is a Kindergarten student, they must be met at the bus stop by a parent/guardian, child care provider, or sibling in middle or high school. If your child is in PreK, they must be met by an adult. The student will be returned to the school if no one at the appropriate age is there to meet them. Only students who have permission to ride the bus may do so. Bus privileges may be removed for inappropriate behavior. 



Just as in the morning, walkers are expected to follow patrol & crossing guard directions. Stay on sidewalks and out of yards and the street. Be respectful community members. 


There is NO Kiss & Ride in the afternoon.

Our parking lot closes at 3:15pm and is only open to allow buses in. Parents who would like to meet their child at dismissal are encouraged to walk or meet them at their bus stop. As always, anyone driving in our parking lot is expected to follow staff directions and park only in marked spaces.  Students are not permitted to walk in the parking lot unaccompanied. 

Additional Information

1:30pm dismissal days:

  • Several days have been designated for early dismissal at 1:30pm.
  • These dates for 2023-24 are: November 3, January 25, March 22 and June 12
  • The same routines and procedures are followed for early release days. 

Releasing students during the school day:

Sometimes students may need to leave early for a medical appointment. Parents should send in a note or email the teacher with the time and reason for early release. Parents/guardians listed on the emergency care card must come to the office to pick up their child and sign them out. Students will only be called from their class when their parent/guardian has signed them out from the office. We will not be able to release students between 3:10-3:30pm because classes are preparing for dismissal.