Advanced Academics Programs

Fairfax County Public Schools offers a continuum of advanced academic services for students K-12 that builds upon students' individual strengths and skills and maximizes academic potential for all learners.

The Advanced Academic Program (AAP) that has been developed by FCPS is committed to provide challenging learning experiences for all learners.  Through the Advanced Academic Continuum of Services, students’ needs are met and potential is developed.   

At Mount Eagle we provide 3 levels of service.  All students are given the opportunity to think critically and creatively (Level 1).  We develop these skills using the Critical and Creative Thinking Strategies.

Level II services include differentiated enrichment services provided by the classroom teacher.  Level III services are part-time AAP services (generally 1 hour per week) that are provided by the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) either in a pull-out setting or push-in to the classroom.

Students who are found eligible for IV services, are taught using resources and curriculum that are designed specifically for gifted learners. The beauty of having this service provided locally at Mount Eagle is that the resources that are used to enrich and extend students in the level IV program can be shared with all levels of learners to meet their individual needs.


Advanced Academics Resource Teacher